Home Equity Loans. Life Line or Anchor?
Robert J. Warren
One of the worst missteps that many people in financial distress make is to take out a home equity loan to pay off unsecured credit card debts, signature loans, medical debt, or other general unsecured debts. While a home equity loan at a fair rate of interest can be a sound financial management tool, these loans should be approached with great caution and critical analysis. The title "home equity loan" sounds friendly enough. What it is, however, is simply a mortgage. If you already have a mortgage, it is a second mortgage. Like any mortgage, if you are unable to make the payments as they come due, the lender may forclose and take your home away from you.
Before you take a home equity loan be sure that your future income is rock solid and you have carefully analyzed your budget to determine that you can pay your current mortgage, all other necessary expenses, and the home equity payments without creating a financial hardship. Be sure to also add in the expenses that are not regular in nature, but crop up regularly in everyone's life. These include but are not limited to necessary car and home repairs, expenses of illness for family members, deductible payments for insurance claims, etc.
Finally, remember that in the State of Florida you cannot lose your home because of delinquent credit card, medical debt, auto repo deficiencies, or unsecured signature loans. These types of debts can also generally be eliminated in bankruptcy. Once you convert these types of debts into a home equity loan (mortgage), however, you can lose you home if you are unable to pay the debt back.